Friday, July 15, 2011


I think I'm going to start trying to do this blog thing again. I need something to shake up my life a bit... I'm kinda bored. Here goes nothin!

So I was in a wedding this past weekend. It was like... my 8th or 9th? I'm not really sure, I've lost count! The bride wanted to get dresses from David's Bridal but we didn't really have time. and I really didn't have $160. I convinced her that we should just go to the mall and look at dresses, see if we could come up with anything fast and cheap (saucy!). We came across some really pretty one's at H&M and I saw the one below and knew the bride would love it. Thirty minutes and $25 dollars later we had some pretty dresses that looked nice and bridesmaidy. Oh, but don't you worry... the cost was made up in the hair appointments.... $65! Oh.. my stars. I did look quite pretty though, if I do say so myself.

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